Software for Loan
We have two types of software available for loan:
Software that accompanies books in stock
If a book you are borrowing has a piece of accompanying software, this will be affixed to the front cover of the book and can be borrowed at the same time as the book.
Stand-alone software
This includes programs that can be loaded onto your own computer, which are held as part of the University’s licensing deals with the software supplier. Please ask staff at the Library Reception Desk if you wish to borrow. Programs currently available are:
- Lightning USB magnifier
Personal software
Staff and students can request software to use on personal machines.
- Staff Personal Software Requests: Software available includes Microsoft Office and SPSS. Please go to the MyPort page for an up-to-date list of software and to request the software for your personal use
- Student Personal Software Requests: Software available includes SPSS. Please go to the MyPort page for an up-to-date list of software and to request the software for your personal use
The software is available under University site licences to members of staff and students on condition that the software is used in the furtherance of their University work, studies or research. The borrower is responsible for installing and running the software. The University does not provide support for the software on home computers and cannot be held responsible for changes that may occur to these computers during the installation or use of the software.