
This page will help you get more out of your Library resources for your assignments, projects, and dissertations in Law.

REMINDER: Download the University VPN system to access these resources while on or off campus.

Introduction to Legal Databases (video)
This quick video will describe what legal databases are available from the library and where to access the legal databases. The video will also discuss why it's important to become familiar with and utilise all of the legal databases.

• Westlaw 

Contains full-text case law, legislation and, journal articles from the UK, EU, and some international.

Jurisdictions Covered: Australia, Austria, Barbados, Canada, Cayman Islands, China, EU, Hong Kong, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Rwanda, Singapore, South Africa, Switzerland, Taiwan, UK, and Yugoslavia.


How to Use Westlaw

Introduction to Westlaw (video)
Provides a useful introduction to Westlaw UK and teaches the basics of using the service.

Finding Primary Law (video)
Teaches the basics of finding primary law using Westlaw UK.

Finding Secondary Sources (video)
Teaches the basics of finding and using secondary sources on Westlaw UK.

Westlaw UK Advanced Training (video)
Teaches more advanced features and research techniques when using Westlaw UK.

Westlaw Certificate

Complete the Westlaw Certificate (looks great on your resume!).

• Other Legal Databases

Open Access databases

Commercial Awareness

Stay up to date with these resources!

Open Access Legal Resources

These resources will be helpful for you to stay relevant once you graduate and lose access to UoP resources.

Your Subject Team

 Mystery Beck

Faculty Librarian


phone (023) 9284 3240

 Sharon Bittner

Assistant Faculty Librarian


phone (023) 9284 3234