EDINA Digimap
Logging in
You will need to log in with your university username and password to access the services in Digimap. You can do this by clicking on the Login Button at the top right of the Digimap home page.
Registration is required under the terms of the licence for the data that is available through Digimap. It is an automated two-step process:
- Register your details with Digimap.
- Accept the licence agreements associated with each Collection.
If you need any help with the registration process please see the Registering for Digimap page.
The Digimap Collections
The EDINA Digimap Service is an on-line service that provides access to a variety of maps and geospatial data covering Great Britain.
The University of Portsmouth subscribes to the following collections:
Ordnance Survey lets you view and annotate OS maps and print them at user defined scales onto paper sizes up to A0. You can also download multiple OS data products for use in GIS/CAD.
Historic provides access to Ordnance Survey historic maps of Great Britain, including:
- all available County Series maps at 1:2,500 and 1:10560 scales published between 1843 and 1939
- all available National Grid maps at 1:1,250, 1:2,500 and 1:10560/10,000 scales published from 1945 and before the introduction of the OS digital mapping.
Geology allows you to view, create and annotate geological maps and download data to CAD/GIS.
Marine offers a range of hydrographic map and data products, including Admiralty Charts, from SeaZone.
Environment brings easy access to Land Cover data from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.
Aerial offers 25cm resolution vertical aerial photography from Getmapping – the most detailed national coverage available.
Lidar gives access to digital terrain, surface model and point cloud data, plus additional vertical aerial imagery including near infra-red and night time imagery.
Gobal primarily provides world mapping content from OpenStreetMap, but also includes data from Natural Earth and Collins Bartholomew.
Society provides any easy way to visualise Census 2011 datasets.
Pilot provides access to data that Digimap are trying out and evaluating against demand from users. It currently provides access to Sentinel 2 derived cloud free optical and near infrared satellite imagery for the UK.
Verisk data consists of UKMap, a modern, highly detailed, feature-rich mapping database of Greater London; UKBuildings a unique database created and regularly updated to help you understand the age, structure, characteristics and use, of commercial, public and residential buildings across GB; UKLand a maintained, national land information database providing a detailed consistent breakdown of the use of land across the UK.
agCensus offers access to a time-series database of grid square based data derived from the regular Agricultural Censuses of England, Scotland and Wales.
Help and guidance
Digimap Site Representative: David Sherren, Map Librarian
The Map Librarian is the University’s Digimap Site Representative. Contact the Map Librarian for advice about using Digimap or if you would like a demonstration of the service. If you are a member of academic staff then you can contact the Map Librarian to arrange a Digimap induction session for a class in your department.
Location: Map Library, 1st floor, Library (area 1A)
Email: david.sherren@port.ac.uk
GIS Support: Students can send requests for assistance to segg-gis-support@port.ac.uk
Responsible Officer for Data Security: Robbie Walker, Security Architect
Email: robbie.walker@port.ac.uk
Printing enquiries: Service Desk
contact Information Services on +44 (0)23 9284 7777 or use the Contact IT Support page