Arranging support

If you are concerned about using the library or finding suitable resources - particularly if you are visually impaired or print disabled - the more we know about your proposed course of study, the more help we can offer. Please contact your Faculty Librarian as early as possible with details of your course and specific needs for the next academic year.  If possible, please give us details of the units which you plan to study.  The library can then work with you to ensure as much as possible is in place before your arrival.

Whilst no student is ever able to guarantee that they will read every item on any given reading list, we are committed to maximising the number of accessible items available on any reading list being used by a visually or print impaired student. We will buy ebooks whenever they are available, or apply for alternative formats of current print books from the publishers. However, the latter can be a lengthy process and is not necessarily always successful. The earlier we can start work with your reading lists the greater chance we have to make them as useful as possible to you.

If you intend to work with a support worker who is not a registered student at the university, they may like to apply for External Membership which will mean they will be able to access the library using their own membership card.