International Development

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High quality data gathered together by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa.

ECLAC (or CEPAL in Spanish) is one of 5 regional commissions of the United Nations whose aims are to promote the economic and social development of Latin America and the Caribbean. The site's Data and Statistics section is a key, trusted source to look at - in particular, check out the Statistical Yearbook for Latin America and the Caribbean .

The IDB has been a leading source of development funding for Latin America and the Caribbean since 1959. The site contains lots of useful information and a data section.

The International Development Statistics (IDS) online databases from the OECD cover bilateral, multilateral aid (ODA) and private providers' aid and other resource flows to developing countries.

Results of Latin American public opinion surveys from 1995 onwards. Available in English and Spanish. Go to Online Data Analysis for summary reports by country. 

Our World in Data is a collaborative effort between researchers at the University of Oxford and the non-profit organization Global Change Data Lab (GCDL)

High quality data gathered together by the United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific. The site includes analytical summaries on 32 key topics, such as child health, food security, access to water and sanitation, natural disasters.

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

Use this site to help gather a large range of statistics, including detailed data on progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

A key source for comparing statistics useful for modules on development issues. Scroll down looking on the right to find the wide list of topics covered.


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phone (023) 9284 3243

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