Conservation Architecture

This page will help you get more out of your Library resources for your assignments, projects and dissertations in Historic Building Conservation

This section lists resources for specific purposes.

• Artstor 

A database of almost 3 million images related to visual arts and culture. You can create, save and share groups of images and make presentations too. If you want to search for academic articles and images simultaneously, follow the link via the "J" JSTOR icon to the top left of the page.

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

Detail Inspiration is an image and reference database with more than 3000 projects from the last 30 years of DETAIL Magazine (UK and German editions and Detail Green). Each project is accompanied by DETAIL project documents, which can be downloaded as PDFs. Please note that off campus access is via VPN only.

• Digimap 

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

Digimap is a collection of EDINA services that deliver maps and map data of Great Britain. We subscribe to the complete collection which provides access to modern and historic Ordnance Survey mapping, geological mapping, aerial photography, Lidar data, demographic data and more.

A collection of British map data services, including Digimap - modern Ordnance Survey maps and map data, including the definitive OS MasterMap; Historic Digimap - 19th & 20th Century large/medium scale OS maps; Geology Digimap - maps and map data from the British Geological Survey.

Includes, photographs and drawings of England's archaeology, historic buildings and social history.

• RIBA Pix 

Online image collections from the RIBA and, therefore, focus on architecture and interior design. Images are watermarked, but they are of good quality and can be used for educational purposes.


Your Subject Team

 Greta Friggens

Faculty Librarian
