Visualising the Lives of LGBTIQ Roma

June 2024

The lived experiences and images of lesbian, gay, bi, trans, intersex and queer (LGBTIQ) Roma remain invisible to many people, Roma and non-Roma alike.  Simultaneously, LGBTIQ Roma are the subject of a plethora of anti-Romani, homo/transphobic and other stereotypes. By showcasing photographs produced by LGBTIQ Roma research participants as part of this research project, the exhibition not only offers an insight into the lives of LGBTIQ Roma. It also seeks to demonstrate to various audiences ways in which they wish to be represented.

An exhibition on the first floor of the University of Portsmouth Library shows images from the ESRC-funded project “Challenging dominant representations of LGBTIQ Roma in public spaces through queer-research informed interventions Led by: Dr Lucie Fremlova (University of Portsmouth), Dr Annabel Tremlett (University of Portsmouth), Dr Olu Jensen (University of Brighton). Project Reference: ES/S011234/1

Please note that a parallel exhibition showcasing anti-racist campaigns by Roma-led organisations will be held in Portsmouth Central Library at various weeks in June 2024. 

To continue reading about ways of challenging stereotypes, please see the following academic articles (free to download): 

For more information on either exhibition, please contact Dr Annabel Tremlett (

 Dr Annabel Tremlett describes her display: Visualising the lives of LGBTIQ Roma


Visualising the lives of LGBTIQ Roma

Two male Roma sat in front of a screen showing black and white footage of Roma in traditional dress

Man standing on a stony beach, naked except for being wrapped in a rainbow Roma flag which also obscures his face

Two photographs - one of a Roma in tank top with

Two photographs: a man standing in front of a

Two photographs: one of two men cuddling on a beach, the other of two different men in a domestic kitchen, one emptying the washing machine of clothes and a rainbow Roma flag.


Display of Roma art

Dr Annabel Tremlett describes her display of artworks by Roma and the concept of 'Roma art'


Roma art and books

Roma art

Roma photography book and caption