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Academic peer-reviewed journal articles, professional publications and more across all business topics.
Advanced options in Business Source Complete video
Covers all areas of business and management and is particularly useful for subjects which connect with the business world.
A key source of up-to-date technical information for the architecture and construction industries. Information includes building regulations, advice notes, British Standards, government reports as well as journal articles, e.g. from the Architects' Journal and books such as the Metric Handbook. You can also link out to the AJ website and read digital editions of the Architects' Journal. Watch the video to find out how.
You can access Architect's Journal from 2014 onwards for the University of Portsmouth.
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The full-text of thousands of articles from more than 100 peer-reviewed journals published by Emerald. Subjects include health and safety, management, human resources, engineering, marketing and training. For the most relevant results, use the advanced search and restrict to case studies or literature reviews.
The full-text of thousands of articles from more than 100 peer-reviewed journals published by Emerald. Subjects covered include education, management, human resources, marketing and training - will often have engineering related articles.
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Full text of technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science and electronics.
Full text articles from many news sources and trade journals both UK and international. Archives sometimes stretching back to the mid 1980s.
A legal database which also includes broadsheet newspapers - both UK and international - if non-academic articles are of use to you.
Additional access instructions:
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ScienceDirect's extensive and unique full text database covers authoritative titles from the core scientific literature, published by Elsevier. More than 2,500 journals and more than nine million full-text articles are available in ScienceDirect providing access to the physical sciences and engineering life sciences. This resource is also available through the Discovery service. A Science Direct Advanced Search guide video is available.
This is a large collection of maths, science, technology and medicine related full-text and bibliographic information.
Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.
AccessEngineering is a collection of critical, regularly updated engineering reference information. It includes instructional videos, interactive tables and charts, as well as personalization tools.
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Full text of technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science and electronics.
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OnePetro is an online library of technical literature for the oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) industry. Content includes journal articles and conference proceedings.
The Journal features articles, reviews, technical reports and case studies across the full range of engineering and hydrogeological topics.