OSCOLA referencing style is used when submitting work for a module for the School of Law.  Due to the complexity of particular sources, some entries are very detailed.  Make sure to fully read each page.

Advocate General AG
affirmed affd
appendix app 
article/articles art/arts
chapter/chapters ch/chs
chapter/chapters (of statutes) c/cc 
clause/clauses cl/cls
column/columns col/cols
complier/compilers comp/comps 
Directive Dir
edition edn
editor/editors ed/eds
and following ff
footnote/footnotes (internal to the work) n/nn
footnote/footnotes (external to the work) fn/fns
for example eg
manuscript/manuscripts MS/MSS
number/numbers no/nos
number/numbers (of a Report etc) No/Nos
paragraph/paragraphs para/paras
part/parts pt/pts
regulation/regulations reg/regs
reversed revd
Rex/Regina R
rule/rules r/rr
schedule/schedules sch/schs
section/sections s/ss
subsection/subsections sub-s/sub-ss
subparagraph/subparagraphs subpara/subparas
supplement/supplements supp/supps
that is ie
translator/translators tr/trs
University Press UP
volume/volumes vol/vols