OSCOLA referencing style is used when submitting work for a module for the School of Law. Due to the complexity of particular sources, some entries are very detailed. Make sure to fully read each page.
Italics are
- used for the titles of cases in the text of your essay and in footnotes, but NOT in a table of cases or in the case list in the bibliography.
- always used for the titles of books and similar publications (i.e. those with ISBNs) in the text of your essay, footnotes, and the bibliography.
- used for journal titles and serial publications (e.g. law report series (i.e. those with ISSNs)) if they are written in full in the text of your essay, footnotes, and the bibliography, but not if they are abbreviated.
- used for the titles of overarching websites (e.g. blog titles, company websites, etc.) but not for individual webpages.
- used for foreign words or phrases in the text of your essay, but NOT for ibid.
- ARE NOT used for the titles of statutes, statutory instruments, less formal publications with no commercial publisher or ISBN, or for individual web pages. In the latter two cases, the title is indicated by enclosing it in single quotation marks.