APA 7th Edition is the most commonly used referencing style here at the University of Portsmouth. Below you will find general guidance on how to reference and cite using APA 7th Edition, as well as examples for the specific sources you are likely to use in your assignments.
Your department or lecturer may prefer you to reference sources differently from the guidance given here. Always follow the requirements of your department or lecturer.
External visitors are welcome to use this guide, but note that your institution's requirements may differ from those suggested here.
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If, after looking at this guidance, you are still stuck, then we can help. If you have a quick question then chat to us online, and if you need more help then you can Book an online APA 7 referencing appointment.
From the 24th March to the 4th April we are also running APA referencing Pop-Ups in the Library Atrium from 1pm to 3pm. No need to book just drop in with your APA referencing questions
Leaflets can be described as small, informal publications which are usually printed rather than found online. They can contain anything from medical guidance to take-away menus.
In general, leaflets will not be an easily retrievable source. You may therefore wish to consider including photographs of them as an appendix. If you use a photograph you took yourself of a leaflet as a Figure within your work, you will need to follow this guidance, but you do not need to include an in-text citation within the Note. field. Leave out the line of text starting with the word Note. below the table or figure.
If there is an online copy, you can include a URL in your reference.
They will often not have a named author, but instead be attributed to an organisation or company. You should use this as the author for the purposes of referencing and citation.
If it is not clear from the title that the item is a leaflet, you should use square brackets to include a description of the material in the reference.
If there is no obvious title, you should use a description of the item in square brackets in place of this in the reference.
Author. (Year of publication). Title (Series number if available) [description]. URL if available.
Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. (2022). Early treatment of bleeds: Information for patients (OMI 79549) [Leaflet]. https://www.ouh.nhs.uk/patient-guide/leaflets/files/79549Pbleeds.pdf
Wedgewood Rooms. (2023, April). [Leaflet containing gig listings for entertainment venue between May and June 2023].
In-text Citation
A patient advice leaflet stated that... (Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, 2022)
There were a wide variety of acts booked during this period (Wedgewood Rooms, 2023)