APA 7th Edition is the most commonly used referencing style here at the University of Portsmouth. Below you will find general guidance on how to reference and cite using APA 7th Edition, as well as examples for the specific sources you are likely to use in your assignments. 

Your department or lecturer may prefer you to reference sources differently from the guidance given here. Always follow the requirements of your department or lecturer. 

External visitors are welcome to use this guide, but note that your institution's requirements may differ from those suggested here.

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Online newspaper article with single author 


If the online newspaper doesn't give page numbers, omit them from your reference.

Author, Initials. (Year, Month Date). Title of article. Title of Newspaper, start and end page numbers. URL

Poulter, S. (2021, January 14). Boris admits Brexit 'teething' problems: PM quizzed on N Ireland supermarket shortages. Daily Mail, 24. https://www.pressreader.com/uk/daily-mail/20210114

In-text Citation

If the article doesn't have any page numbers you can use paragraph numbers in place of pages if you need to use them. You should use para. in place of p. to show this is what you are doing. For information about the use of page and paragraph numbers within in-text citations, please see our guidance here.

It was reported that... (Poulter, 2021).

Poulter (2021, p. 24) highlighted concerns...


Online newspaper article with two authors


If the online newspaper doesn't give page numbers, omit them from your reference.

Author, Initials., & Author, Initials. (Year, Month Date). Title of article. Title of Newspaper, start and end page numbers. URL

Mohdin, A., & Campbell, L. (2020, November 13). How Black Lives Matter has inspired a generation of new UK activists. The Guardian. https://advance.lexis.com/api/permalink/95d48ad2-be0e-4677-a287-190d1650b755/?context=1516831

In-text Citation 

If the article doesn't have any page numbers you can use paragraph numbers in place of pages if you need to use them. You should use para. in place of p. to show this is what you are doing. For information about the use of page and paragraph numbers within in-text citations, please see our guidance here.

It was reported that... (Mohdin & Campbell, 2020).

Mohdin and Campbell (2020, para. 2) highlighted concerns... 


If your article has more than two authors, please follow the guidance here


Online newspaper article with no named author


If the author of an article is unknown, move the title of the article to the author position at the beginning of the reference.

If the online newspaper doesn't give page numbers, omit them from your reference.

Title of article. (Year, Month Date). Title of Newspaper, start and end page numbers. URL

New leadership for the Southland and a plan for growth. (2021, May 17). Chicago Tribune, 15. https://www.pressreader.com/usa/chicago-tribune/20210517

Opening of the new town hall. (1890, Aug 9). Portsmouth Evening News, 2-4. https://link.gale.com/apps/doc/IG3218680739/BNCN?u=uniportsmouth&sid=bookmark-BNCN&xid=d65610bf

In-text Citation 

Use the first few significant words of the title in your in-text citation. As the title is not italicised in the reference, use double quotation marks around the title in the in-text citation.

If the article doesn't have any page numbers you can use paragraph numbers in place of pages if you need to use them. You should use para. in place of p. to show this is what you are doing. For information about the use of page and paragraph numbers within in-text citations, please see our guidance here.

It was suggested that... ("New leadership", 2021). 

In "New Leadership" (2021, para. 3) it was reported that... 

In "Opening of the new town hall" (1890, p. 2) the ceremony was described as...