
Find databases listed in the Library Catalogue

You can search for databases listed in the Library Catalogue by clicking on the search button at the top right of this page then entering your query in the Library Catalogue box on the search page. To restrict your search to databases only, select 'databases' instead of 'all items' from the form's drop down menu.

Your query may be all or part of a title, publisher or simply subject keywords.

Note: this will not search the actual contents of the database. You will need to use the search facility of the particular service once you have identified an appropriate database, although you can search the contents of many of our databases using the Discovery service.

Find databases for your subject area

Our Subject Pages  provide details of particularly relevant and recommended resources, including databases, for your subject.

You can find a list of the top databases that cover a wide range of subjects below:

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

Academic peer-reviewed journal articles, professional publications and more across all business topics. 

Advanced options in Business Source Complete video

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

A variety of reference works, including dictionaries, which tutors may well prefer to Wikipedia, and it even tells you how to set out a reference to what you find. Try out the 'Mind Map' feature to see how your keyword links to others - useful for essay planning and dissertation work.

These short videos show you how Credo can speed up your research:

  1. Search tips
  2. Using the automated mind map

Additional access instructions:

For off campus access use this link

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

The full-text of thousands of articles from more than 100 peer-reviewed journals published by Emerald. Subjects include health and safety, management, human resources, engineering, marketing and training. For the most relevant results, use the advanced search and restrict to case studies or literature reviews.

Engineering Village consists of three bibliographic databases, GEOBASE, GeoRef and Compendex. GEOBASE is a multidisciplinary database of bibliographic information and abstracts that indexes journal literature across the earth sciences including geology, human and physical geography, environmental sciences, oceanography and geomechanics from 1980-present. GeoRef covers geological literature from North America (1785-present), plus geological literature from the rest of the world (1933-present).

Compendex is the most comprehensive bibliographic database of scientific and technical engineering and computing research available. This may be of use to GIS students.

There's a quick search video tutorial and a Refining Results video tutorial

There's not a video for the Expert Search, but there are help pages here, which are very useful. 

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

Full text of technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science and electronics.


fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

JSTOR is best known as an academic journal archive containing thousands of articles on a wide range of subjects. To find the most recent years, you will need to search other databases like Discovery or go to the journal sites themselves. JSTOR also contains ebooksresearch reports and 1000+ collections of images and primary sources from libraries, museums and archives around the world. 

For some tips on searching JSTOR, watch this short video. You can also use JSTOR's Text Analyzer to find other documents or keywords relevant to your research. If you use JSTOR a lot, it's worth setting up a free, personal account so that you can use JSTOR's Workspace to store articles and notes.  

• Nexis Uni 

Full text articles from many news sources and trade journals both UK and international. Archives sometimes stretching back to the mid 1980s.

Additional access instructions:

For use in the UK only

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

ScienceDirect's extensive and unique full text database covers authoritative titles from the core scientific literature, published by Elsevier. More than 2,500 journals and more than nine million full-text articles are available in ScienceDirect providing access to the physical sciences and engineering life sciences. This resource is also available through the Discovery service. A Science Direct Advanced Search guide video is available.

• Scopus 

Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities. Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

Web of Science - part of the Web of Knowledge collection of databases - consists of a number of databases containing information gathered from thousands of scholarly journals, books, book series, reports and conferences. Three citation databases (Science Citation Index Expanded (1970-), Social Sciences Citation Index and Arts (1975-) and Humanities Citation Index (1975-)) also contain the references cited by the authors of the articles. You can use these references to do cited reference searching, allowing you to find articles that cite a previously published work. Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science includes the published literature of the most significant conferences, symposia, seminars, colloquia, workshops, and conventions in a wide range of scientific disciplines.

Training Videos


Additional access instructions:

For off campus access use this link

• Westlaw 

Primary and secondary legal resources plus EU materials.

fully searchable in EBSCO Discovery

Wiley Blackwell supplies many of our e-journal subscriptions covering all subject areas.