Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13439

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Jackson, Holly Louise (2019) The different ethical problems in Reality TV: how production companies have dealt with them and how this has changed over the history of the genre. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


There are many ethical issues within Reality TV, from how the “social actors” are treated to what the audience is shown throughout the programme. Through research and speaking to professionals within the industry, the question as to whether Reality TV’s ethical shutters are coming down and whether Reality TV as a genre will no longer be a true representation of the real and true everyday life, will be explored. Not only will this but the ways in which programme makers are fighting against the ethical issues in the genre be analysed. This will be followed by discussing how things have changed over the course of the genre when it comes to ethical consideration.

Course: Television and Broadcasting - BSc (Hons) - C23455

Date Deposited: 2019-11-19

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13439.html