Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13448

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Saunders, Jake (2019) Camera operators in Sports Broadcast. Is there still a place for them?. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This written dissertation looks deeply into the role of the camera operator in the sports broadcasting industry; a career path that I aspire to begin following the completion of my degree. It explores the fundamental attributes required to be successful within this field, and looks into whether or not possessing these fundamental attributes is enough to gain employment in this industry, or if in fact camera operating job roles could cease to exist in the years to come. The primary research that I have conducted includes interviews with various professionals already working in the industry such as camera operators, technicians, and employees from companies that have opted to use robotic cameras, in order to get their input as well as their opinions with regards to future developments. My secondary research is presented in the form of a literature review that will combine research found from journals, websites and books.

Course: Television and Broadcasting - BSc (Hons) - C23455

Date Deposited: 2019-11-21

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13448.html