Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13498

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Whiley, Sarah (2019) How social media is used within higher education: a case study. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Social Media is used within Higher Education institutions to target new and existing students. A case study was undertaken to gather an understanding of the role of a social media manger with a University. The aims of the project were achieved by successfully targeting the target audience, and establishing sub-audiences within each individual platform, to allow content to be tailored to each person. These were shown through platform insights to gain a view of users and who they are. Engagement also exceeded the aims as all accounts gained new followers and more of an impact than at the start of the project. These successes didn’t come without failures, with the process of project management changing from Waterfall to Agile to adapt to the flexible working of social media, which allowed problems to be tackled prior to them disrupting the project.

Course: Digital Media - BSc (Hons) - C1515

Date Deposited: 2019-11-22

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13498.html