Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13507

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Halliday, Thomas (2019) Television formats & redesigning CCI TV. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This This report will examine the process of rebranding CCI TV as well as designing a new format to replace the current shows broadcasted by the University of Portsmouth. The aim is to create a 30 minute show, with new content about the community of Portsmouth, as well as incorporating the new relationship the University has with Portsmouth F.C. The project draws inspiration from current magazine shows which utilise a sporting element, as well as identifying key codes and conventions of these shows through the Literature Review. The main methods used in this report include an Interview through email, analysis of current shows on Television and researching literature written on Television formats. This research conducted became the inspiration used for the Newley proposed show to use instead of CCI TV. The report depicts the process of the Pre-production phase; including graphics production, paperwork and contacting crew to aid with the live recording. The end product incorporates all the elements which were examined with the Literature review and utilises the information from sources gathered from the Methodology. Thus, resulting in a successful show produced to replace CCI TV. Further research was used to gather feedback for the show, by recording interviews and sending the show to members of Portsmouth F.C to watch. The feedback gathered identified key elements of the show which could be improved, but ultimately resulted in praise for the proposed format.

Course: Television and Broadcasting - BSc (Hons) - C23455

Date Deposited: 2019-11-22

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13507.html