Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13527

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McKensie, Evie (2019) A secondary data analysis of the construction of anorexia nervosa within 'pro-ana' online spaces. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This research explored the construction of anorexia nervosa (AN) within pro-anorexia online spaces. The central aims of this research pertained to the investigation of how these spaces constructed and represented discourses of AN, to comparatively analyse the construction of AN across different platforms (websites and Instagram pages), and to examine how pro-anorexia online spaces represented discourses of rejection to dominant medicalised understandings of AN. This research employed a Foucauldian feminist theoretical framework to provide an understanding of how the girls and women, contributing to the pro-anorexia online spaces, were active agents able to construct alternative discourses of AN. The methodological approach followed in this research opted to use secondary sources of data, selected through a quota sampling strategy, due to the sensitive nature of pro-anorexia. The textual and visual content of the selected pro-anorexia online spaces were subsequently analysed through discourse analysis and the emerging themes within the data were thematically coded. The main findings that emerged from this research suggested that AN was complexly constructed within the pro-anorexia online spaces as firstly a sanctuary that provided non-judgemental support, as well as space for the girls and women contributing on these platforms to challenge oppressive normative discourses of femininity. However, the findings conversely suggested that AN was constructed as an active empowered choice and display of agency, in contrast to medicalised discourse, which also rearticulated patriarchal idealisations of the feminine body through encouraging potentially self-destructive behaviours. The comparative analysis suggested that AN was similarly constructed across the pro-anorexia websites and Instagram pages. However, the Instagram pages presented distinct communicative and interactive ways for users to connect to escape censorship.

Course: Sociology - BSc (Hons) - C0315

Date Deposited: 2020-02-10

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13527.html