Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13555

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Lipiec, Julia (2020) The internationalisation of Chinese censorship. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


As the Chinese economic growth increases, more and more foreign companies look to its market with hopes of gaining access to the enormous consumer base. But as Myers & Buckley (2019) note in their 2019 The New York Times article: “political submission has become the price of admission” to the Chinese market - they face two choices: compliance through self-censorship or resisting at the risk of losing access. This project tests Myers & Buckley’s (2019) argument by identifying instances of censorship of foreign companies and investigating the scope of the internationalization of Chinese censorship. In order to examine the ways in which foreign companies deal with attempts of censorship from China, the analysis section presents three case studies - National Basketball Association & Hong Kong, international airlines & Taiwan and Marriott & Tibet. This study shows several instances of foreign businesses and representatives thereof backing down on controversial topics to avoid the wrath of China and Chinese customers and concludes that the internationalisation of Chinese censorship might lead to more and more foreign companies self-censoring in accordance with China’s policies and propaganda, as it seems that authoritarian strategies of censorship are becoming increasingly global.

Course: Applied Languages - BA (Hons) - C0392

Date Deposited: 2020-09-23

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13555.html