Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13586

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Rollinson, Gabriella (2019) Degrading women: a discussion of pornography consumption, the pornification of women and real-life repercussions. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Pornography has been with us for a very long time, however new means of distribution, access and consumption has become an unspoken but prominent societal issue. Developments in media technology and platforms made pornography unavoidable which therefore can have subsequent repercussions on high level consumers. This dissertation discusses the harms that pornography brings through analysis of: development of media platforms, the pornification of women in society and the complications of pornography that directly impacts the consumer. Escalation of pornography due to technological advances is deliberated, analysing the ability to freely and anonymously surf the web. The way in which users have changed how they consume pornography will be reflected upon through influence of academics such as Linda Williams (2004) and Pamela Paul (2005). Accounts from real-life consumers help shape the understanding of how access and intake has shifted and escalated. The pornification of women within pornography and hypersexualisation of women in mainstream media will be critiqued. Degradation, subordination and related themes are considered when discussing content as well as how pornography has influenced advertising in mainstream media. Feminist readings will help inform an anti-pornographic point of view and how pornography is harmful to women within the industry as well as society. Sexual behaviour contributions towards dehumanisation and objectification is explored with relation to Laura Mulvey’s (1989) ‘Male gaze’ theory. Reflecting on discussion surrounding new means of access, the sexualisation of women influenced by pornography is analysed. The final chapter examines direct effects on users with high level of pornography consumption. Repercussions of extreme consumption is analysed through focussing on high level pornography intake aftermaths: addiction, sexual fantasies and sexual aggression.

Course: Media and Digital Practice - BA - C2733S

Date Deposited: 2020-10-27

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13586.html