Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13588

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King, Ellie (2019) Does the horror genre have the ability to reflect society’s concerns about technological innovation?. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Technophobia is the fear of technology and throughout history, society has feared technological advancements. The horror genre as continually portrayed society’s fears and presented the fear of technological innovation at the forefront. From Frankenstein to Unfriended, horror has played with the fear of the unknown and showcasing technology as a product of evil. This dissertation explores the reflection of society’s fears of technological innovation in the horror genre through various decades. The 1980’s representation of grotesque body horror as a commentary on television’s effects on its viewers and how society are blinded by the media. Similarly, throughout the 1990s, television has been represented as a gateway to the supernatural. However, in contrast, contemporary society is more accepting of new technologies but the horror genre has continued to display its ability to reflect societal concerns. With the rise of social media and fear of the internet, the horror genre has evolved alongside and as a result presents a supernatural thriller twist on our fears.

Course: Film Industries - BA - C2651S

Date Deposited: 2020-10-27

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13588.html