Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13592

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Sibley, Antony (2019) A social-theoretical approach to the deceptive manipulation of online identity using The Circle as a case study. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Management of online identity has come to play a large part in societal interaction through the constant connection to mobile devices that allow users to access all manner of social media, including social network sites. Popular culture has portrayed lying about oneself on social network sites as a dishonourable activity that causes emotional distress in both the receivers and transmitters of fabricated identities. The intention of the following dissertation is to apply notions of social theory to the practices of online identity manipulation and to discuss both the strategic use and effects of deception in such contexts. The Circle (Fay, Mills, Temoh, & Young, 2018) demonstrates the gamification of online identity deception where digitally acquired deceptive skills are used to compete for financial reward. This series will be used as a case study to analyse the various levels of deceptive interaction that occur between players. This exploration of online identity deception determines that identity manipulation as an acquired skill of digitally literate members of society is an attribute that debatably should not be gamified on social network sites due to exemplified psychological detriment.

Course: Media and Digital Practice - BA - C2733S

Date Deposited: 2020-10-28

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13592.html