Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13600

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Hoggett, Lauren (2020) An exploration into the importance of understanding demographics: how the charity sector utilises features on Social Media Sites to appeal to their audiences and maximise their online donation revenue. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation explores how understanding the demographics of their users is important for charities to increase their online fundraising revenue. By looking at Facebook and Instagram, the study compares their use by the charities Cancer Research UK and Marie Curie Cancer Care and examines how these charities use specific tools on the social media sites to ensure their posts contribute highly to maximising online fundraising revenue. By conducting a survey and analysing existing research regarding the different demographics of those who use social media and those who donate to charity, the study discusses the relationships and differences between these. The study also incorporates a content analysis of social media posts by each charity on their social media sites to examine how they are appealing to their demographics.
This study ultimately answers two questions:
1. What are the demographics of Facebook and Instagram users and those who donate to charity?
2. How do Cancer Research UK and Marie Curie Cancer Care utilise their social media to show they understand their audience?
As well as, and by answering these questions, this dissertation examines whether social media sites are simply a tool for increasing the supporters for a certain charity, or to see whether they have a direct effect on the total fundraising income for a charity.

Course: Media and Digital Practice - BA - C2733S

Date Deposited: 2020-10-28

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13600.html