Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13606

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Miles, Rebecca (2020) Psychopathic (im)moralities: the sexual, moral and gendered representations of psychopathic characters in western television genre texts. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation is aimed to explore the representations of fantasy psychopaths in Western television dramas through the themes of sex, gender and morality. The methodology used was an application of critical theory and textual analysis to a selection of television dramas classified within three separate genres. The genres included are gothic dramas, erotic thrillers and police dramas. Psychoanalytical theory was applied in order to explore the intricacies of a television psychopath’s characterisation and physical appearance and explain how this may affect audience perspective of a wider society. Works from Sigmund Freud, Barbara Creed, Elisabete Lopes, Julia Kristeva and Adam Kotsko were deconstructed and applied to a selection of British and American television dramas that presented characters with psychopathic traits. These theories were considered with characters from The Vampire Diaries, You, American Horror Story: Murder House, Luther, American Horror Story: Coven and Killing Eve. It is later concluded that television psychopaths can act as figures of a wider social commentary and can also be represented as desirable and heroic – posing a possible detriment to audiences of these television dramas.

Course: English and Media Studies - BA (Hons) - C1255

Date Deposited: 2020-10-28

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13606.html