Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13627

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Emeh, Smith Nathaniel (2020) Exploring the impact of phishing on small medium businesses in United Kingdom. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation explores the impact of phishing on small medium enterprises in the UK, with the aim to examine the trends and impacts of phishing on small medium enterprises in the UK, and the objectives firstly to conduct secondary research to comprehend the trends and impacts of phishing on small medium enterprise. Secondly, to examine the financial costs implications of phishing cybercrime on small medium businesses. A library-based methodology was used, including academic literature and government reports, policies, and other internet-based materials. Analysis and evaluation of secondary data indicated that there is a there is an upward trend in the prevalence of phishing cybercrime with no sign of abating. The advancement in technology, use of electronic devices to conduct business operations and ease of communication across the internet has contributed to this upsurge.
Furthermore, criminal organisations in addition to emerging technologies in their activities are also innovative and seizing opportunities for novel illegal enterprises due to the progressive growth of electronic commerce. Despite the general awareness of this phishing attack and other cybercrimes, there still appears to be a lack of understanding by some small medium enterprises of cybersecurity operations add therefore lack the ability to predict where, and how phishing attacks can occur. Furthermore, the impact of phishing on SMEs has huge implications that can sometimes be irreversible including high financial costs to resolve the issue, negative impact on the business brand, client retention and the ability to gain new business.
Finally, it is recommended that small medium enterprises develop a cyber security strategy as research indicates phishing is on the increase, it is vital these organisationsidentify the weakness in their cybersecurity and propose mitigation plans to improve the business resilience to phishing attack. 

Course: Risk and Security Management - BSc (Hons) - C1565

Date Deposited: 2020-11-25

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13627.html