Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13636

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Abruzzini, Aurora (2020) Integration of BIM  and advanced digital technologies to the end of life decision-making process: a conceptual framework. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Demolition or renovation? That is the question. When looking at the end of a building’s lifecycle, there are several limitations to the decision-making process. The first is the lack of data available from the building’s history, the second is the difficulty in assessing the condition of a building, and the third is the variety of stakeholders’ needs that have to be satisfied. A qualitative analysis of existing literature has been performed to identify the elements within BIM and advanced digital technologies that could be of support to the decision-making process. The findings have been collected and summarised in a conceptual framework that has been validated and enhanced through online interviews with industry experts. The enhanced framework has identified that BIM technology would bring the benefit of providing the initial digital data source from which machine learning and data analytics would then extract the relevant data needed to measure accurately the criteria during the analysis of the end of life options put on the table. The findings of this research could contribute in developing the software modules making the bridge between BIM and machine learning technologies, to implement them in the end of life decision-making process.

Course: Building Information Management - MSc - P2657FTC

Date Deposited: 2020-12-17

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13636.html