Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13639

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Tierney, Job (2020) Improving equality, diversity & inclusion of the LGBT+ community within the construction industry. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Throughout the UK construction sector, homophobic abuse is still an issue for the industry as a whole. There is a lack of understanding and awareness towards the LGBT+ community at a management level, which creates a negative impact on trust, productivity and recruitment. Despite industry-wide efforts to raise awareness of the ethical and economic benefits of improving equality, diversity and inclusion in the construction industry, there has been little difference made to many of LGBT+ employees working conditions and daily experiences. Studies indicate the population is becoming increasingly diverse, whilst the workforce of the construction industry has not shifted at the same rate and bears the picture of a white, male, heterosexual and able-bodied.
Furthermore, the construction industry is facing its biggest skills shortage since 2007, with construction firms desperate to recruit new talent, with more than 200,000 skilled workers required by the mid-2020s. The LGBT+ community represents a huge talent pool which the construction industry could engage with and attract into the industry to reduce kills shortage. Inclusion of LGBT+ means greater individual success and, therefore, stronger business efficiency; more diverse and inclusive businesses are better able to compete for and retain talented employees.
This research explored whether attitudes towards sexuality within the construction industry are improving as a result of existing policies and schemes, by researching existing literature and surveys, and a survey as a comparison, which was distributed across a wide demographic of organisations within the construction industry.
The survey results found that there had been an increase in homophobic and derogatory comments towards LGBT+ employees since 2017. The research also found that improvements had been made towards the LGBT+ community recommending the construction sector as a career, and that attitudes has the ability to increase recruitment with a more diverse demographic, particularly in relation to sexual orientation, and whether this gain can address the industry skills shortages.

Course: Construction Project Management - MSc - C1659

Date Deposited: 2020-12-17

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13639.html