Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13641

Sheppard, Aisleighn (2020) Investigating project management within the highway design sector of local authorities in the UK. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth

The dissertation file is not currently available for this title.


This research examines and summarises the current situation within the highway design sector of Local Authorities. Due to new funding streams, such as the £1.7billion Transforming Cities Fund there is an ever-increasing pressure within the sector. By informing the industry of the issues within the sector, improvements can be implemented before the skill shortage has a detrimental impact. Those benefiting from the research will be Local Authority staff, Central Government and the end-user. With good project management schemes can be completed on time, within budget and to a high standard.
A twenty-seven-question online survey was produced using Google Forms to assess the primary concerns within the industry that contribute to the skill-shortage of Project Managers within highway design. By using the survey, the current situation is reviewed, the specific areas have been identifying and the impact realised if the skill shortage is not resolved.
The survey consisted of both open and closed questions with 15 Likert style statements. The survey achieved 114 responses over six weeks; the survey highlighted that over half of those working within the sector believe there is a skill shortage, notably within the areas of feasibility and detailed design. Three quarters believe it will impact on the delivery of Client programmes.
The method of research and analysis of results took into consideration the impacts of Covid-19 and health and safety issues.
The results identify three actions which would potentially ease the current skill shortage in order to progress the industry. Investing in the training of existing staff to ensure the quality of those currently employed; Clear career paths for those within education and currently employed and finally removal of the council pay bands/ scales. Whilst all these solutions are not practical in the meantime awareness of the issues are crucial to transforming the sector. This research would aid in further exploration of a training facility for existing staff.
The information was analysed and presented on an infographic for distribution over social networking and institutions.

Course: Construction Project Management - MSc - C1659

Date Deposited: 2020-12-17

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13641.html