Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13648

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Jones, Bryn Alan Charles (2020) A review of unlocking land for residential development through use of local authorities compulsory purchase powers. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


One of the key issues facing local authorities is the need to find land to meet the demand for residential housing. This has gained further importance with the UK Governments declaration in 2018 of a National Housing Crisis and the aspirations to develop 300,000 homes per annum. This paper explores the use of local authority compulsory purchase order (CPO) powers as a tool for unlocking land for residential development across England and Wales. The research has focused on four key areas;
• The changes in legislation and policy between 1985 and 2019 and its effects on the CPO process.
• The effects of the “National Housing Crisis” on the amount of compulsory purchase orders submitted and determined.
• The liability of costs to local authorities of submitting, implementing and compensating a CPO.
• Who are the winning and losing stakeholders of the CPO process?
A comprehensive literature review was undertaken detailing the background behind the rationale for the research. A comparative methodology of submitted and determined compulsory purchase orders as well as a desk top financial analysis of financial data was chosen.
The results indicate that the CPO process has been positively affected by dedicated legislation, speeding up the process to enable more CPOs to be submitted and thus more housing to be developed to meet the current and future housing needs of individuals and families in England and Wales. Costs of CPOs have also fallen, and those who spend more in the initial stages, have quicker timescales from inception to completion.

Course: Real Estate Manaqement - MSc - P272FTC

Date Deposited: 2021-02-01

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13648.html