Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13655

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Flack, Imogen (2020) A critical exploration into the development and importance of resilience in 12-15 year olds within contemporary society. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation sets out to explore the importance of resilience within adolescents, in particular with regards to contemporary living and how practitioners can promote this attribute. Adolescence is generally a turbulent period in life, uncovering new responsibilities and capabilities. At this age, many young people are at risk of feeling distress as a result of the cognitive, social and emotional transitions. Today, greater pressure is placed upon practitioners to protect the emotional wellbeing of adolescents due to the new risks created in contemporary society. Consequently, reports show that most young people needing support for ill health is in relation to their mental wellbeing. The dissertation’s agenda is to consider what attributes exist in a mentally healthy individual, developing an understanding as to how adolescents in particular are benefited by such resources. It will be explored to what extent contemporary society has affected young people, both positive and negative, as well as considering what constitutes as an effective mental health intervention. A literature review will be carried out, using academic research and resources, in order to gain an insight into the adolescents’ perspective of contemporary lifestyles. Overall, the dissertation concludes that due to the adverse experiences in contemporary society, adolescents are reportedly experiencing greater dissatisfaction, anxieties and unhappiness. In order to protect young people, practitioners should ensure there are a variety of accessible provisions in place that correspond to the developmental abilities of the target group.

Course: Childhood and Youth Studies with Psychology - BA (Hons)

Date Deposited: 2021-02-03

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13655.html