Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13656

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Porteus, Guy (2020) Gender creativity and the spectrum: An investigation into how young people with autism explore queer gender identities. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation considered the experiences of transgender youth with autism and how they explore their gender diversity within and without school. This followed an increase in public interest and research that explored the increased prevalence rates of this intersection across American and Western Europe. This work aimed to discuss individual experiences of young people who are both transgender and autistic, to help make recommendations to improve educational support practices. A literature review, including the analysis of case studies and UK Government guidelines, helped to contextualise experiences of current inclusive measures in UK schools. It also captured the direct experiences of transgender young people with autism – suggesting that their voices must be used to reframe their diverse identities, in order to improve professional practice and outcomes for all students across the UK.

Course: Childhood and Youth Studies with Psychology - BA (Hons)

Date Deposited: 2021-02-03

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13656.html