Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13659

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Marsh, Maria (2020) Learning theories: an exploration of how knowledge is acquired and the influence on key stage one teaching methods. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation provides an analysis of learning theories and their applications to contemporary Key Stage 1 (KS1) classrooms. A literature review was used to consider the principles of three contrasting learning theories; behaviourism, constructivism and social cognitivism. Each chapter includes a description and analysis of the theories’ epistemologies, alongside their implications to pedagogy. Ultimately, each theory discussed has demonstrated its own valuable applications to education; thus, in order to enhance their pupils’ learning, teachers should be aware of these methods and adapt their lessons accordingly. However, despite values of their elucidation of the learning process being noticeable, significant limitations are also presented by each approach. The evidence collected throughout each chapter leads to the conclusion that no singular approach is able to expound the full complexity of learning. Subsequently, recommendations have been made to promote effective instruction and maximise classroom learning. Firstly, in order to take an informed and holistic approach to each individual situation, KS1 teachers should equip themselves with information from multiple learning theories. Furthermore, the dissertation concludes that teachers should regard their pupils’ agentic role in their own learning, as it has been recognised as a substantial influence for their efficacy to lean. Through understanding and applying the information presented, teachers will be able to develop their educational methods, enhance their students acquisition of knowledge and improve the learning experience overall.

Course: Childhood and Youth Studies - BA (Hons) - C1989F

Date Deposited: 2021-02-03

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13659.html