Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13670

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Malloy, Edward (2020) The need for change and innovation in the Third Sector: using critical understanding and case studies of existing and new players to explore how the Third Sector can use innovation for successful transformation. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


The Third Sector and NGOs began to see exponential growth post WWII, be that through; public awareness, programmes, reach and funding. However, in the wake of accountability disasters and due to its now notable presence, criticism began to develop around its impact and sustainability. This has led to a call for innovation and much needed change of the sector and organisations who operate within. Through analysing secondary data and research, as well as through original personal research, this paper seeks to understand how innovation has been successfully implemented within the sector. It goes into detail about what has led to the need for adaptation, and what frameworks could be implemented. Then through two main case studies of an existing player and an emerging one, it will explore the implementation of innovation, what actions can be taken and what results it can produce. The findings of this study demonstrate that the Third Sector must adapt and can do so in various ways. Yet must do so effectively to remain impactful in its field and for its beneficiaries.

Course: International Development - BA - C28415

Date Deposited: 2021-03-11

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13670.html