Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13705

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Fuller, Jack (2021) Violence… sex… art?: recontextualising ‘New Hollywood’ amidst the amnesia of nostalgia. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


his dissertation seeks to investigate the meanings and implications of a ‘New Hollywood’ (the period of relative experimentation in Hollywood filmmaking that emerged in the late 1960’s and continued into the 1970’s). In order to demystify this deeply contentious and conceptual notion it demonstrates the origins of its conception and the development of its discourse. It then highlights the dialectical nature of the popular understanding and associations of New Hollywood through the exploration of two films of this period. These films are used to explore the broader social and industrial changes of this period and thus situate the exaggerations and implications of New Hollywood within its tangible context. It is argued that the popular understanding of New Hollywood does not place great enough emphasis on the industrial turmoil that precipitated its emergence whilst too much credence is given to the influence of auteurism and the supposed artistic altruism of major studios to produce these more challenging films. This is set within a wider debate about historical periodisation as well as the seemingly universal impotency in the modern world to enact radical change.

Course: History - BA (Hons) - C1087

Date Deposited: 2021-07-27

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13705.html