Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13718

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Mills, Liam (2021) Ignorance is not bliss: how can social workers be more effective when working with parents who misuse substances, with the aim to have better relationships but still protect children from harm?. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Parental Substance Misuse; a phrase that is heard on a daily basis in Social Work. It is often a key feature in a large proportion of cases, but an issue that is complex and influenced by perceptions, fears and generalised assumptions. The challenge for Social Workers is to explore how we can maintain a balance between managing the risk posed to children by parental substance misuse, but also create ‘strong relationships’ with families. This dissertation is a literature review that has critically appraised 6 research articles published between 2010-2019. 8 themes were identified after conducting a thematic analysis of the articles, which provide not only an insight into parental substance misuse and understandings, but also how social workers can be more effective in their interventions. This dissertation concludes with a recommendation for practice, based on the key findings from the research articles and informed by social work theory.

Course: Social Work - MSc - C2081F

Date Deposited: 2021-10-20

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13718.html