Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13727

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McCabe, Gemma (2021) Contributing causes for the over representation of individuals from Black ethnic backgrounds in the criminal justice system: a critical discussion. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation provides a critical discussion in the form of a literary review, of the contributing causes for the over representation of those from Black ethnic backgrounds in the criminal justice system of England and Wales. Data is also referenced, evidencing that the issue of over representation remains a key issue in contemporary UK society.
Whilst a recent government report hails the UK as a leading example for other White majority countries, this literary review suggests that discrimination and disadvantage continue to be experienced by individuals from Black ethnic backgrounds throughout many areas of their lives, predisposing them to an increased likelihood of encountering the criminal justice system. From increased risk of exclusion in school to a higher likelihood of being housed in deprived neighbourhoods, the issues relating to an increased chance of entering the criminal justice system are experienced more commonly by those identifying as being from a Black ethnic background. This is compounded by negative stereotypes perpetuated by the media and instilled in public institutions.
Although several reports have now repeated recommendations as to how this issue can be addressed, this review suggests that key institutions have failed to act upon these recommendations. The necessary research into the contributing causes has been sufficiently undertaken and it is only direct action to implement the recommendations which will serve to address this continued injustice.

Course: Crime and Criminology - BSc (Hons) - C2113P

Date Deposited: 2021-11-05

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13727.html