Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13734

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Cox, David (2021) The Islamist terrorist threat to stadiums in the United Kingdom: critical analysis of implementing counter terrorism security measures. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation aims to assess the Islamist terrorist threat to the United Kingdom’s stadiums and critically analyse the counter-terrorism security measures available to reduce or eliminate the threat. The research method employs a library-based literature study that also utilises relevant secondary data. The findings present an emerging threat in public places from the lone individual using unsophisticated but effective methods of attack. Security managers when planning to counter the threat will need to understand the terrorist’s intentions and capabilities and the adaptive nature of their approach. The insider threat is a vulnerability that is underestimated and further research on this area of potential security weakness is recommended to support future employee vetting as part of the overall security plan. The contention that not every stadium is a terrorist target can be better determined by implementing a strategic risk management approach that conducts a risk assessment and applies rational thinking to individual stadium counter-terrorism requirements. However, it is evident that most security managers are not familiar with strategic risk management practices. Furthermore, it is unknown to what extent the understanding is of the support that can be utilised from police counter-terrorism experts and other government agencies, which can advise on improving the security measures. Research into stadium security managers knowledge and practices will be beneficial to understand any possible weaknesses.
Previous research used in this study reveals the impact of counter-terrorism measures on the fans, their risk perception and the wider impact of extensive security measures on the community surrounding a stadium. It was found that overall, most fans are unperturbed and demonstrate a level of defiance at the terrorist threat. Future research on the fans risk perception and the impact of counter-terrorism security measures will be useful after the introduction of Protect Duty legislation for crowded places in 2021.

Course: Risk and Security Management - BSc (Hons) - C1565

Date Deposited: 2021-11-05

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13734.html