Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13735

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Grimwood, Wayne (2021) Brexit and national security: assessing the security implications for the United Kingdom following its departure from the European Union.. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


The United Kingdom currently faces new dimensions to its national security infrastructure, one that is devoid of European integration and collaboration in the manner to which it had become accustomed whilst a member of the European Union (EU). Facing these post Brexit challenges requires an assessment of the impact withdrawing from the EU has imposed in order to determine whether national security functioned more effectively inside the Union’s area of freedom, justice, and security, or external to it.
In making this assessment, this research employs qualitative secondary data analysis in the form of a structured literature review to analyse and critically assess scholarly, media, and governmental publications including the Trade and Co-operation agreement between the UK and EU negotiated at the end of 2020. Particular focus is aimed at three components of national security arrangements in domestic policing and security, intelligence sharing, and border security to discover the extent Brexit has affected their ongoing effectiveness.
Findings indicate, in all three areas, some measure of inhibitive change has taken place which consigns the UK to a weakened security position with potential to invoke unnecessary risks to its citizens. Domestic policing and security has lost significant access to agencies and databases causing a deterioration in operational practises. Intelligence sharing suffers minimal effects, though where it does has potential to be decisively critical. Whilst border security experiences a range of complications and a resurgence of Northern Irish terrorist related threats. The overall assessment contends that Brexit has undermined UK national security, making it less safe as a result.

Course: Risk and Security Management - BSc (Hons) - C1565

Date Deposited: 2021-11-05

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13735.html