Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13775

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Allen, Raphael (2021) Redesigning the Circuit Laundry app by using the design thinking process. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This project is about using the design thinking process to improve aspects of this circuit laundry app. Various ideas will be explored, from how service design and UX design relate to each other and different ways the Circuit Laundry app can change its service to make their users experience better. The nature of this project is to make recommendations to help improve the app's user experience. Also, to create a high-fidelity prototype to help demonstrate these improvements, and possibly to be used as a guide in the future if the Circuit Laundry app decides to improve.

The project's objectives will be to make recommendations on how the Circuit Laundry app can improve. Also to create a high-fidelity prototype to illustrate the recommendations made. The individual tasks in this project will be to collect primary research to help explain the issues facing the Circuit Laundry app. Use the SCAMPER method to make improvements to the app's design. To create a prototype using the improvements made to the app and conduct user testing on the new prototype. The technologies used for this project will be Google Forms, Adobe XD, Microsoft Word and Trello.

The main results found from this project were, the main issue users had with the Circuit Laundry app is with its payment system. Also, the poor service design of the Circuit Laundry app is due to a lack of user to developer communication among other reasons. To reflect on this project, a limitation would be on the chosen sample to conduct the online survey on. By only selecting users from Harry Law, the online survey showed problems that only Harry Law users face, which were poor internet connection. By asking users who were from the other university accommodation, it was clear that this is not a problem faced by all users. This concluded that the improvements made to the app might improve the experience for other users however, it is only certain that users from Harry Law will find the changes most beneficial. However, this does not answer why users from other universities struggle to use the Circuit Laundry app.

Course: Digital Media - BSc (Hons) - C1515

Date Deposited: 2022-02-11

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13775.html