Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13844

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Taylor, Elliot James (2021) The impact of creative media in failing communities. (unpublished BSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


The UK’s high street stores are closing at an alarming rate, while foot traffic has also dropped by over 20% leaving one in 6 people's jobs vulnerable. Research has shown that the younger demographic representation does not feel welcome in communities and so they are appealing to online communities. This study aims to determine why this demographic feel this way and how the creative industry can work on branding high streets to allow them to feel more welcomed and part of the community as a whole. Based on the review of the literature on branding, smart technology and communities, several online surveys were distributed across social media aimed at the target demographic based in the UK. Respondents were asked questions aimed at their experiences within their communities. Analysis of the data demonstrated that the demographic felt severely isolated from their communities, however, demonstrated strong desires to eventually work on this with the help of plans set forth with the help of the creative industries. The results portray that there is hope for high streets, although they will most likely have to transform into a new style that implements a lot of tactics seen in Japan to design better systems of collectivism. Further research is needed to clarify what types of smart technology and brand designs could be used to further effectiveness.


Course: Creative Media Technologies - BSc - C2734S

Date Deposited: 2022-02-18

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13844.html