Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13855

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Chowdhruy, Ashrafur Rob (2021) Developing a framework for the implementation of BIM in Bangladesh. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


Despite most developed countries progressing very fast with BIM implementation, Bangladesh construction sector still struggles with BIM at the concept level. For the first time, this study conducted an online survey to reveal the current BIM status and potential of using it in Bangladesh. Although Bangladesh has a stable and booming economy, a significant number of projects here suffer from delays and lack of collaboration. With zero resistance, most participants agreed that BIM essentially could improve the collaboration and productivity of their projects. This survey also verified the key barriers against BIM implementation in the country’s construction sector and disclosed that high cost/rent of software(s), lack of getting updates about the latest BIM scopes, lack of training, lack of BIM’s presence in the university/collage level course curriculum, lack of the government’s policy, high officials’ unawareness were the key barriers as admitted. Finally, for the first time the study developed a framework for BIM implementation in Bangladesh.

Course: Quantity Surveying - MSc - C2170

Date Deposited: 2022-03-04

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13855.html