Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13860

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Zickrow, Jack (2021) The current shortage of skilled labour available for United Kingdom residential development is one of the prime reasons for the gap between demand and supply of new housing in the UK.. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


The purpose of this research study was to investigate the United Kingdom’s housing crisis and if the availability of skilled labour is a significant factor in the country failing to meet the targets set by government for housing completions. The study also examines contributing factors of affordability issues involved in purchasing a property for first time buyers. Analysis has been performed to determine the causes of the housing crisis and skilled labour shortage.

The study seeks to identify this through the four following objectives:

Objective One: To determine the reasons for (if any) shortages of skilled labour in the UK.

Objective Two: Identify the affordability issues that are underlying factors in the housing crisis.

Objective Three: Identify why the supply of housing is below yearly targets.

Objective Four: Identify the prime reasons for the housing crisis.

Secondary research was carried out reviewing the literature from academic research, government sponsored investigations and data published the house building industry. Primary research was in the form of quantitative and qualitative data was gathered through an online survey in which had 18 respondents and three online interviews. The results from the survey gave an insight into the housing crisis and skilled labour shortages. The interviews followed up on this with more explanatory results. 

Findings demonstrate that the housing crisis is not caused by a single but in fact multiple factors including; control of supply by house builders to maximise profit, planning restrictions in highest demand areas and production issues as a result of labour and materials availability. The housing crisis and affordability issues are predominantly in the South East of England and London areas. This has resulted in first time buyers struggling to afford and purchase property. A skilled labour shortage has been a factor in the low supply of housing however, most noticeably it is becoming a bigger issue and the full impact of this is yet to be seen. Young people are choosing not to enter the construction industry as a career and restrictions on labour mobility reduce the flow of overseas workers.

Course: Quantity Surveying - MSc - C2170

Date Deposited: 2022-03-04

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13860.html