Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13862

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Htoo, Naing (2021) Implementation of integrated project delivery (IPD) in Myanmar. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


 ecent developments in construction industry all over the world shifted the method of project
delivery methods towards integrated approaches to improve overall performance of the project by using collaborative and innovative solutions supported by multi-party contractual agreements. Interest and goals of the project owner, contractor and other stakeholders are aligned in Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) method. However, construction project owners in Myanmar are not familiar with IPD due to the premature stage of IPD implementation and lack of IPD team selection framework and criteria in Myanmar.

Conventional team selection methods used for traditional construction project delivery methods are proven to be insufficient to create an efficient project team to achieve IPD goals. Questionnaire survey was chosen to identify the current stage of implementing IPD in Myanmar along with different aspects of construction professionals on IPD compared to traditional methods. Expert interview was chosen to obtain detailed aspects of IPD project owners and member on challenges of IPD implementation and based on its qualitative analysis, IPD team selection criteria and framework suitable for Myanmar construction industry were established. Knowledge from literature in terms of IPD implementation also contributed research goals.

Findings suggested that team selection criteria play vital role in IPD team selection process to assess prospective team members’ collaborative skills as well as conventional qualifications. Further adjustments to IPD team selection criteria regarding collaborative and due diligence performances criteria are made during IPD workshops because creativity of unconventional team selection criteria is proven to benefits in judging collaborative traits of prospective teams. 

It is important to note that actual team selection criteria of Myanmar IPD projects will be varied depending on different approach of offering satisfaction towards different project goals, and this study will provide sensibility for construction project owners in Myanmar towards logical implementation of IPD.

Course: Construction Project Management - MSc - C1659

Date Deposited: 2022-03-28

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13862.html