Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13863

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Lourens, Dirk Matthys (2021) The adoption of guidelines for RFID sensor technology in BIM-enabled construction methods. (unpublished MSc dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


The construction industry in terms of building and information relies heavily on technological advancements such as BIM to improve various aspects such as cost, data handling and efficiency both on site, in the office and between consultants. Despite this, some potentially beneficial technologies remain underutilised, undermining industry performance and limiting growth. RFID sensor technology is one such technology, which was anticipated to expand and improve construction applications greatly as early as 2007, however uptake has been slow and limited, with isolated applications. This research study aims to discover and explore the causes and types of the barriers faced by RFID sensor technology’s adoption and uptake in BIM-enabled construction applications. It further seeks to determine potential remedies or resolutions to address the barriers identified and proposes alternatives where applicable. The research design considers an in-depth literature review as basis for developing an initial guideline framework based on barriers discovered. The initial guideline framework is then validated against findings i.e., the perceptions and scrutiny of highly relevant industry stakeholders, whereafter necessary revisions will be implemented  in developing a final guideline framework for industry development consideration. The findings from this research indicate that industry stakeholders perceive RFID sensor technology solutions in BIM-enabled construction as highly beneficial and relevant, worth pursuing in the foreseeable future and developing guidelines and standards for. The findings indicate that the barriers faced by RFID sensor technology adoption are realistically resolvable and that the AEC industry can still benefit from its development, with potential for future technological expansion.

Course: Building Information Management - MSc - P2657FTC

Date Deposited: 2022-03-28

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13863.html