Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13872

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Tidy, Tiffany (2021) An investigation into the impact that a school environment can have on the happiness and wellbeing of children aged 8-11. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation aimed to identify the impacts that a school environment can have on 8-11-year-old students. Over the years, the UK education system has seen changes in pedagogy from being solely focused on academics, to a focus on developing social and emotional skills, and back to emphasising academic achievement. In addition, recent research appears to suggest that the age in which pressure is being put on students to achieve academically is becoming younger. Moreover, research indicates that there is a lack of research on the happiness and well-being of children, partially because they are complex notions to define in terms of adults. However, there is also a debate as to whether children and young people have the cognitive abilities to be able to understand and experience happiness and well-being. Although, as figures represent an increase in suicide and mental health issues in younger children, there perhaps should be more validation and research on children’s emotions. Responsively, the dissertation sought to investigate the effects of a school environment of an 8-11-year-olds happiness and well-being, as it is one of the biggest factors of their lives. Therefore, a literature review was used to support the investigation into which factors within a school environment have a significant impact on happiness and well-being, and additionally what can be done to improve it. Consequently, the literature showed that academic achievement can have positive impacts on the happiness of 8-11-year-olds, although it can also lead to pressure and negative outcomes on mental health. Other factors that were also found to have an impact included classroom learning and peer relationships, both of which presenting negative and positive outcomes. Finally, some interventions that could possibly help increase the happiness and well-being of students were discussed, as well as the effect on online learning due to the current pandemic.

Course: Childhood and Youth Studies - BA (Hons) - C1989F

Date Deposited: 2022-04-07

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13872.html