Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13873

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Forte-Hyland, Daniella (2021) A literature-based research study exploring the possible causes of the rise in obesity in 7-14 year old children in the UK and the national steps being taken to address it. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation looks to explore the possible causes of the rise in obesity in 7-14 year old children in the UK and the national steps being taken to address it. This topic is important to examine because obesity in children is increasing significantly in the UK and is therefore a current issue. Chapter one will start with an introduction which explores the rationale, the aims of the dissertation and background information on the topic. It will then go onto explore the three main chapters which form the basis of the investigation. Chapter two will examine the possible correlation between obesity and socio-economic status (SES) of families. It will consider the likelihood of children within low SES families being obese which will be followed by exploring how age may influence a child’s own food choices within their socio-economic background, in relation to Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory. Chapter three will carry out an investigation on the potential influence societal influences have upon obesity. It will address the extent wider underlying influences such as physical education within the national curriculum, the growth of technology and outdoor play have upon a child’s weight. Furthermore, chapter four will review and evaluate the effectiveness of current national strategies that are implemented within the UK in order to combat obesity in relation to the key findings established within both chapter two and three. Finally, chapter five will conclude with a summary of the key findings.
From researching this topic it was found that childhood obesity is regarded as being a multifactorial and complicated issue with many drivers which cannot be tackled by just one sector but instead require the government, corporations and individuals to each play a role. All of the information needed to achieve these findings was found in books, e-books and journals.

Course: Childhood and Youth Studies - BA (Hons) - C1989F

Date Deposited: 2022-04-08

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13873.html