Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13876

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Keller, Imogen (2021) An exploration of the factors influencing children’s consumption of lunches in primary schools. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation explored the factors influencing children’s consumption of school meals in primary schools. School meals have been available in schools for over 100 years and have been influenced by changes in government policy dependent upon their political ideology. The aims of school meal policies have been to tackle malnutrition, nutrition, reduce obesity and food inequality. Despite the availability of school meals and free school meals for eligible families and infant aged children, half of all children still consume a packed lunch. Exploring the aims of government policy and the influence of parents, children and the media is a key aspect to understanding the consumption of school meals. A literature review was used to establish a historical perspective and research the influences of government policy, parental and children’s attitudes and the impact of the media. Government policy has been a dominant influence in the uptake of school meals; however, it has lacked a clear aim as to the purpose of school meals which has affected uptake and impacted on issues. The provision of free school meals has been inconsistent as it has focussed on children in absolute poverty leading to children in relative poverty being marginalised. Concern about childhood obesity has led to school meals being used as a tool to reduce it and despite current research showing that they are impacting on obesity, the government has not expanded its provision. Research has shown that the influence of children in the consumption of packed lunches could be greater than perceived, however research into this area is limited. The media has highlighted two campaigns led by Jamie Oliver and Marcus Rashford who have both influenced the consumption of school meals by altering attitudes and highlighting issues. The impact of COVID-19 on school meal government policy is still evolving.

Course: Early Childhood Studies - BA (Hons)

Date Deposited: 2022-04-08

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13876.html