Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13888

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Gray, Sarah (2021) To explore the pupil premium policy with a look at its effectiveness within primary schools. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation has considered the role of the Pupil Premium policy and how it has played a part in reducing the attainment gap seen in disadvantaged learners and their peers. Introduced as part of the Coalition Government’s educational reform in 2011, the policy’s objective over the last 10 years has been to lessen the socioeconomic divide seen in educational achievement then and now. In particular, in light of the recent pandemic, there seems to be more need than ever to improve the chances of disadvantaged learners. Reaching an understanding of the policy and its impact is considered an important aspect of developing a professional understanding of the roles of education practitioners in today’s primary schools. A literature review was used to establish the perspectives of the Pupil Premium policy and subsequently Government and academic journals were used to examine current practise. Government and practitioners’ views differed somewhat, in regard to best practises and spending strategies. The study concluded that whilst current methods of spending have seen some positive outcomes, changes to reflect a more holistic practise would benefit approaches moving forward.

Course: Childhood and Youth Studies - BA (Hons) - C1989F

Date Deposited: 2022-04-08

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13888.html