Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13891

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Day, Angela (2021) An exploration into the social-emotional development of looked-after children, their educational needs and outcomes and how these are supported by multi-agencies in the United Kingdom. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation explores the social and emotional development of children who are looked after on behalf of their local authority by foster carers and investigates links between this and their educational outcomes. A literature review found that maltreatment and negative experiences within their birth family can affect the on-going emotional wellbeing of looked-after children (LAC), create mistrust, and trigger disruptive behaviour which can affect their relationships with both the adults who care for them and with their peers. Attachment theory is used to demonstrate how maltreatment can inhibit the development of future relationships, impacting multiple aspects of the child’s life. Instability is a prominent theme running throughout this study, and it can be exacerbated by behavioural problems influenced by the deep emotional wounds of the child’s past. Poor emotional wellbeing and social difficulties have been shown to be a significant risk factor for educational attainment. The concept of multi-agency working was introduced to address the dynamic needs of LAC while providing a coordinated approach to promoting the welfare of the child and their educational achievements. However, the academic attainment of LAC remains consistently lower than that of non-LAC, which can also be attributed to instability and attachment style. This study identifies the support available to LAC to help close the gap between their educational outcomes and those of non-LAC, the benefits and challenges that multi-agencies can encounter in providing support and the work being done to improve the care system in the UK. The conclusions drawn from this study are that foster carers and teachers need to be aware of attachment issues and the impact they have on relationships and behaviour when working with LAC. The importance of stability in care and education also needs to be understood and prioritised by all professionals involved in order to allow meaningful relationships to develop and in turn provide a platform to improve educational outcomes for LAC.

Course: Childhood and Youth Studies with Criminology - BA - U2807PYC

Date Deposited: 2022-04-08

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13891.html