Dissertations@Portsmouth - Details for item no. 13893

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Walsh, Lauren (2021) Exploring the impact of racialised media representations on the psycho-social development and mental health of Black adolescents in the UK. (unpublished BA dissertation), University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth


This dissertation sets out to establishes a link between the negative impacts of racialised media and how it effects psycho-social development i.e., self-identity and mental health and wellbeing of young Black people in the UK.
Chapter 2 explores the use of language and imagery portrayed in the media and how it is used to criminalise Black youth by pushing racialised narratives that insight fear and prejudice. It also incorporates theories of social cognition and self-categorisation. Chapter 3 reviews literature and research on the representation of Black people in the media, with a shift in focus towards social media, as well as looking into Black pop culture and the influence it has on societal standards and psychosocial development. Finally, Chapter 4 investigates how the role the media plays in society has affected the mental health and wellbeing of Black youth as well as an observation on the impact of institutionalised discrimination on mental health services.
Research suggests the role the media plays in society is significant, there is a clear dependency on the media as it provides society with information, entertainment and communication, things people can no longer live without. But at what cost? The media has used its many platforms to criminalise, appropriate and disregard the Black community and at a time where the media is so prevalent amongst young people, Black youth are suffering. Racialised media has put the development and mental health of young Black people at risk. For example, the Eurocentric beauty ideals, that neglects Black beauty, has an effect on the self-perception and body image of young Black people, which in turn has adverse effects on mental health, potentially causing mental illnesses such as Anorexia Nervosa to develop. This will be explored in more depth, alongside other ways in which the media impacts on the lives of Black youth in the UK.

Course: Childhood and Youth Studies with Psychology - BA (Hons)

Date Deposited: 2022-04-08

URI/permalink: https://library.port.ac.uk/dissert/dis13893.html